How do I publish a book and how long does it take?

Here is a simplified look at various ways authors can publish and the pros and cons of each followed by a timeline:

(Please note: Distribution refers to a sales team who place books in various stores and outlets. All methods of publishing are able to use Amazon and/or Ingram as distribution)

Traditional publishing with the "Big Five" and the close behinders (Hachette, Harper Collins, MacMillan, Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster plus Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Workman, Sterling, etc).

Mid-sized press Press:

Small Boutique Press:

Hybrid Models:

Self-publishing/Start a Publishing Company


How long will it take?

  1. If you are going for a traditional press you need an agent. The agent will want to know if your book is good, and if you have a robust community (social media plus real community) who will promo you and buy the book. They will want to know that you are easy to work with. Your agent will need to write a proposal with your previous writing clips and anything else to show that you will be able to sell books so you will gather this together in advance. You'll want an author website in any case so that you can have your clips and news in one place and increase your SEO.
  2. Research a number of agents (between 5 and 20) who represent books comparative to yours. Carefully read submission guidelines and pitch the right agents. Many don't get back for a couple of months and it is quite difficult to get an agent. Simultaneous submissions are a fraught subject. Read the directions.
  3. If you get an agent, excellent. Keep working on your social media and publishing short pieces so your agent can pitch you successfully. The agent will pitch over the next year and responses take a while to come in. If you get an offer, your book will likely be out in print a year or two after you sign a contract with the publisher.
  4. If you don't get an agent, decide if you are going to research and pitch small presses (similar to pitching agents), use a hybrid press or self publish. There are new options every day.
  5. If you decide to start your own pub company/self-pub, hire a reputable editor, interior designer, cover designer (particularly for books, not a general graphic designer) and ebook creator. Make a publishing website. Hire a publicist and do a complete publicity campaign to put out the book about 8 months later.
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